Friday, 11 May 2012

A challenging trip to Harbale

Church leaders on the way to Harbale Nawaparasi
It was a challenging experience going to Harbale to conduct HIV sensitization. This is a remote area with narrow roads, constructed along steep cliff 200 meters deep in most of the areas. We spent the whole day going round and round the hills. I was encouraged to see people enthusiastic to know more about the epidemic. This is a marginalized area and services are very limited.

Christian leaders are challenged to create a good environment for members to learn, pray and encourage each other. The leaders realized that empowering church members on different social issues including HIV could be good entry points into serving the community. The church leaders also recognize that Biblical reference was important to ensure that ignorance is replaced with knowledge, and indifference with compassion.

Although HIV and AIDS is a global issue some participants were not aware about HIV, its mode of transmission and Christian responses towards community and marginalized people.
Please pray for childrens education in Harbale.