Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Scottish links

It was wonderful to visit the Church of Scotland congregation in Irvine and Kilmarnock presbytery. It was lovely to meet Rev George Lind and Rae - and of course a dog called “Sam”. The congregation warmly received us at the Manse of St. Columbus Parish. We had a good opportunity to interact, get to know each other and I shared about my work in Nepal. I was happy to meet some people who had lived and worked in Kenya.

The congregation was welcoming: we had delicious snacks and lunch, and afterwards a quick visit to Kilmarnock and Irvine. It was encouraging to hear the congregation ask questions, amongst others  specifically about condom use in regard to the fight against HIV.

My family and I felt connected to the congregation because of the prayers and love that was extended to us. It was fulfilling to hear about the church’s support in Africa and continued support for God’s work in Nepal. We are happy to know that they will be praying and connecting with us while we are working in Nepal


  1. Hi Joel
    Very interested in your work in Nepal and am praying for you and your students. I am convenor of the World Church Committee in Aberdeen Presbytery in Scotland. We're thinking about disability issues right now and wondered if there were any pointers you could give us regarding how we might help in Nepal. I was fortunate to spend a month in Okhaldunga some years ago with another mission partner who was teaching there. So my heart has forever been drawn to Nepal. If you have time to answer, be great to hear from you. Every blessing Aileen Barclay--ai.barclay@abdn.ac.uk

  2. Hi Aileen,

    I am grateful for praying for us and God bless you.I will respond to your email on Friday this week and give you more details in regard to your request.UMN office is closed for holidays.UMN work on issues of disability. We have a HIV and Disability project in Rupandehi with one of United Mission to Nepal partner.

    Sorry for delay

    Thank you
