Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Accelerating response to HIV by equipping facilitators from Bible Schools in Nepal

Churches and faith based organisation are undoubtedly uniquely positioned to implement a holistic response to HIV and AIDS at community level. In Nepal at least there is a Church in 75 districts. Churches are becoming well established and demonstrating sustainability. It is therefore the call of the Church not only to provide spiritual nurturing but also to stand by people during any form of suffering, need, witness and strive against any form of injustice. We have a responsibility to call on the power and the word of God to offer compassion, reconciliation, prayer and hope to all people affected by HIV and AIDS. The priority is to have Churches work together to decide what common theological and ethical standards using the challenge posed by HIV as an opportunity for moral and spiritual growth, to care for one another, to support the living and the dying and appreciate the gift of life.
Equipping facilitators will enable them to share correct information on HIV and AIDS, challenge stigma and interpret the scripture as a guiding principles.
Bible School teachers training on HIV and AIDS (Facilitation skills on technical matters)
Witnessing to the Gospel require more than preaching, teaching and praying, as important as these actions are, it asks people of faith to be actively involved in bringing about the values that the Gospel stands for example love, compassion, care and solidarity with those that suffer. Presenting the Gospel as ambassadors for Christ may mean start with what we say, it continues with what we do and it ends with who we are!
Prayer: Let's pray that the loving God, him alone knows the end from the beginning to  lift up all HIV and AIDS patients from pain and grant them new hope. Pray for the families of the patients for protection, patience and strength.

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